Sunday, 26 July 2020

Step by Step Instructions to run Linux program on any Operating System.

**Use to create and run a Linux Program

Many Times we encountered a situation where we need to work on linux platform or in any FDPs or STTPs, Handson program there is need of linux platform as presenter is using that and demonstrated on that but we have Windows OS so when time is for doing handson we dont have linux platform we cant utilize that time for handson because of less resources in terms of linux platform.    

In order to solve this problem Today i will demonstrate and give step by step instructions to use your linux bash enviornment without spending a seconds for setting up. 
"" is a site that offers a collaborative, in-browser IDE to code in 50+ languages including Python, Node.js, Java, Ruby, R, JavaScript  and many more without spending a seconds on SETUP...

 The following figures will give a step-by-step representation to create and run a Linux Program

 STEP 1:  Sign up and then Login

STEP 2: Create a new repl

STEP 3 : Choice of Languages

STEP 4:  Creating a first repl using Bash (for working with Linux Commands) . File name Sample 1

STEP 5: A view of the workspace. Click on 'Add file' in the left corner to add external files

STEP 6: Once the workspace is completely loaded a file is created by default. then we can create a text file manually by clicking on 'Add File'

Here m creating shell script file and for display writing one statement as welcome to APSIT then m just click on run to run my shell script in shown below: 

STEP 8 : A view of the text file. Can be opened by clicking on the name of the file on the left-hand side.

STEP 9: Print the commands on the file. You can give multiple commands by pressing enter. Each command will appear in a new line with new line number. Press RUN to run the commands. All the commands will be executed consecutively. The output will be displayed on the extreme right.

We have everything in one screen.


Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Step by Step Software Installation, Configuration, Management and Provisioning using Ansible.

Ansible is an IT automation engine, and a trouble-free model-driven configuration management and command execution framework. Made for multi-tier deployments, it designs your IT infrastructure by describing how all of your systems are interrelated instead of just managing one system at a time. Written in Python, Ansible does not use any agent. It makes uses the SSH server on the target, and no additional custom security infrastructure is required, making it easy to deploy.

Ansible comes up with following uses:

1). Normal configuration management
  • Creates system files through the medium of templates
  • Manages software installation with the help of yum, apt, gem, or the like
  • Manages services or daemons such as start, stop, enable, disable

2)Orchestration tasks
  • Removing server from load balancers
  • Disabling monitoring or altering
  • Perform deployment of your code by git

3). Continuous integration
  • Deploy code to QA servers
  • Run tests and promote software to production if tests pass

Ansible Architecture:

Modules are like small programs that Ansible pushes out from a control machine to all the nodes or remote hosts. The modules are executed using playbooks, and they control things such as services, packages, and files. Ansible executes all the modules for installing updates or whatever the required task is, and then removes them when finished. Ansible provides more than 450 modules for everyday tasks.
As you probably already know from many other tools and platforms, plugins are extra pieces of code that augment functionality. Ansible comes with a number of its plugins, but you can write your own as well. Action, cache, and callback plugins are three examples.
All the machines you’re using with Ansible (the control machine plus nodes) are listed in a single simple file, along with their IP addresses, databases, servers and so on. Once you register the inventory, you can assign variables to any of the hosts using a simple text file. You can also pull inventory from sources like EC2 (Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud).
Ansible playbooks are like instruction manuals for tasks. They are simple files written in YAML, which stands for YAML Ain’t Markup Language, a human-readable data serialization language. Playbooks are really at the heart of what makes Ansible so popular is because they describe the tasks to be done quickly and without the need for the user to know or remember any particular syntax. Not only can they declare configurations, but they can orchestrate the steps of any manually ordered task, and can execute tasks at the same time or at different times.
Each playbook is composed of one or multiple plays, and the goal of a play is to map a group of hosts to well-defined roles, represented by tasks.
Various APIs (application programming interfaces) are available so you can extend Ansible’s connection types (meaning more than just SSH for transport), callbacks and more.

Step 1: Execute the following commands to update repositories, add the required repositories and configure PPA on your machine for Ansible installation:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
Press enter to accept the PPA addition and then finally install Ansible after updating the repositories.
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install ansible
Check Ansible version on master node:-

Step 2: Go to your server’s /etc/hosts file and add the hostname and the IP address of the host.
Add client’s hostname and IP address in /etc/hosts file ( on master node ):-
sudo gedit /etc/hosts
( NOTE: Replace x.x.x.x with master node’s local IP address & Replace y.y.y.y with client node’s local IP address )
Here, ansadm is the hostname of master node, and client1 is the hostname of the client node


Fig: Add Remote hosts to /etc/hosts File – Ansible Provisioning

Granting privileges for ansible admin user (ansadm) in /etc/sudoers file :-
( on both master and client nodes )
sudo gedit /etc/sudoers
Append the following at the end of the file

Step 3: As Ansible works on the agentless architecture of using SSH to communicate with its hosts, set-up the ssh keys. Basically, we have one server and one host. We control the host with our server and hence we create a public ssh-key on the server and copy it in the host’s machine. Execute the following command on the server:
$ ssh-keygen 
You’ll be prompted to enter the filename where you’d like to save your key and also prompt you for creating a password for accessing the generated key which is optional. By default, the public key gets saved in .ssh/ file and the private key gets saved in .ssh/id_rsa.
Now this generated key needs to be present in your host. Copying the key into the host can be done in two ways, either manually copy into the host or use the ssh-copy-id command. In this case, I’m going to copy it using the ssh-copy-id root@IP_of_host command.
$ ssh-copy-id root@x.x.x.x
Note- Make sure you’re able to ssh into your host before executing this command.
Step 4: Configure Ansible hosts. Go to /etc/ansible/hosts file and add the hostname. This will vary according to the number of hosts and servers you have. You can also have more than one server here.
Append client’s hostname and IP address at the end of /etc/ansible/hosts file ( on master node )
sudo gedit /etc/ansible/hosts

( NOTE: Replace the above IP address with client node’s local IP address )
In this case, client’s IP address is

Step: 5 Create git.yml file inside /etc/ansible directory ( on master node )

Type the following in git.yml playbook file:-

Switch to ansible admin (ansadm) user on master node

Checking connectivity with client1 :-

Run the command “git” on client node :-

This means git is currently not installed on client1

On master node, go to the directory in which git.yml playbook file is present:-

Run the following command on master node :-

ansible-playbook git.yml --limit client1

Run the command “git” on client node :-

(Remote installation of git has been successfully done on client1 using Ansible)

Step by Step Instructions to run Linux program on any Operating System.

**Use to create and run a Linux Program Many Times we encountered a situation where we need to work on linux platform or in any FDPs...